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Volume # 75
April 13, 2005

The newsletter is a biweekly publication providing tips and advice for conducting E-Business (Business on the Internet)., a Cenicola-Helvin Enterprises brand, is a variety of e-business solutions ranging from Web site development to email marketing software, e-commerce systems, custom online database solutions to Web site hosting & maintenance. In each biweekly newsletter, you can depend on helpful tips and advice for conducting business online. As always, archived versions of previous newsletters can be found by visiting the newsletter archive.


If you plan on doing any type of e-commerce directly from your Web site, whether selling a product, service or subscription, then getting yourself setup with an online payment gateway is a necessary step.

An online payment gateway is the interface between your merchant account and your Web site. The online payment gateway allows you to immediately verify credit card transactions and authorize funds on a customer's credit card directly from your Web site. It then passes the transaction off to your merchant bank for processing, commonly referred to as transaction batching.

When planning for e-commerce what are the necessary steps for choosing an online payment gateway? For those of you that take credit card transactions in person or over the phone via a terminal, you already have a merchant account. In this situation, the best resource to turn to is your merchant bank. Simply tell them you are interested in accepting payments online and you need an online payment gateway. They should be able to get you setup with a company that is compatible with your merchant account. If you don't currently have a merchant account, you can get setup with both a merchant account and online payment gateway in one step. Simply choose a merchant account provider who is capable of setting up both your merchant account and online payment gateway. Even though the merchant bank and online payment gateway provider are usually separate companies, they work together to provide you with a seamless solution.

Some common online payment gateways include, Blue Pay, Link Point, Plug N Pay, Sure Pay, Verisign and a number of others. Your best bet is to choose one that supports direct integration. Direct integration means that customers never have to leave your Web site to process a transaction as everything is done behind the scenes out of sight to your customers. Indirect payments mean customers must leave your Web site to make a purchase. Making customers leave your Web site detracts from the overall user experience and is not recommended.

However, there are advantages to indirect online payment gateways. The most common is Paypal. Paypal is unique in the fact that it doesn't require you to get approved for a merchant account to accept payments, nor are there monthly fees. Another indirect payment gateway is The biggest drawback with these types of services is that customers must leave your Web site to process transactions with your company, your company name doesn't appear in full on their credit card statement and usually the fees per transaction are higher than having a regular merchant account and online payment gateway.

Selecting an online payment gateway doesn't have to be a difficult task. When you choose a E-Business Solution, we work with you to determine the online payment gateway that's right for your business. We can also suggest a merchant bank and guide you through the process to make sure your e-commerce solution gets implemented successfully with the least amount of work on your part.

To learn more about the E-Business Solutions available for your business call us within Las Vegas at 702-312-9444 or outside of Las Vegas Toll Free at (888) 221-8640. More contact methods are available on our contact page.

Stay tuned to the newsletter, sent every other week on Wednesday, for helpful tips, thoughtful advice and answers to questions you may be asking about how to conduct business online.

Have a question about E-Business? Send us your questions and read the answers in upcoming newsletters!

Sincerely, E-Business Solutions
A Cenicola-Helvin Enterprises Brand

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